Happy Christmas !

Hey Everyone - 

I'm writing here at the kitchen island, working on short story number five. Next up on the task list is going over "Waters Edge". I should also mention that the Christmas music is also playing. A candle that smells like Gardenia's is burning and my mini fireplace is burning as well. Of course it's electric but it's just the feeling of it all. It's festive . . . you know?

Yes !! Waters Edge should be put to bed by now. And it will be – soon. I’m ready to move onto a new story. Until then, I’ll continue to add and edit as well as start a new short. At the moment there are changes in the house making the writing process a bit - uncomfortable. But I'll get it back on track - tonight as a matter of fact.

To that point - I think that this photo is going to be the inspiration for either the next short story or novel. I think that this is the most romantic - sexist photo that I've seen in a long time and would love to create something just as romantic from it. I'm looking to fill my heart and letting all that resides there out. lol - get ready.

So here I sit releasing the movie in my head, trying to create a story that someone might read and like. Of course I'm like most writers. You hope that someone will pick it up and enjoy it. That a friend or family member will buy it - read it and offer you praise and then share the story or even encourage others to buy it. Then the reality hits that you can't even get your family and friend to share a post on Facebook, what would make you think that they would take the time to support you by purchasing a book or short story. Sorry for the negative track - moving on.

Yes of course I have a couple of friends that have purchased all of my books and stories and I thank them for it. They are what actually keeps me going. That, and the love and need to write and get the story playing over in my heat - out.

So all I can do is continue to push, to get people to take notice. Hopefully someday someone will see that I have created a collection of books and short stories worth looking into. Also that I never stopped doing what I love. Which would be the lesson on this Pre- Christmas day. Live and do what makes you happy. No matter what others may do or say.

Be well and Happy Christmas.

=) Thanks for stopping by.



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