I find it funny that I can sit down at any table and start
to write a story. The topic is of no matter. Yet … sitting down to write a blog
seems like pulling teeth. It seems like everyone is talking about marketing –
tips and advice on how to write – or better yet – how they write. I don’t think
that it’s necessary to teach you while you’re here. Although, I have been known
to offer some of the above. But I would rather just tell you about what I’ve
been up and where I want to go.
As you all must know by now, David and I have moved to
Italy. We are seriously enjoying all of the sites. Being clear – we are
enjoying all the sites. The living here isn’t so great. It is amazing how
spoiled we as American’s are. No Walmart and the variety at the grocery stores
are not even close to what we have. And forget about if you have a cold – the pharmacy’s
or at least the ones that we’ve seen are here to heal you. If you want some
make-up, they are there for you.

To start with we were in Florence for about two weeks, David
wasn’t happy there. The population a bit too geriatric for him, which means
anyone older than him, as well as overly populated with tourists. That I can
agree with. When we were downtown, it seemed as if we were in Time Square
making our way through the crowds. And as much as I loved living in NYC – I hated
Time Square, sorry NYC friends. But - again, the sights in Florence were/are
amazing. Although we thought that being in the city that is considered to be the
art center of the world that we would find more galleries and frankly… art.
We did not. Another unhappy point – actually for
us both.

So David got online found us a place here in Rome. I was
totally excited and couldn’t wait to see all the amazing sites here.
And they are incredible, although I was
expecting them to be larger. The movies and books I think were the reason for
that particular let down. But you deal. After all, you are looking at the Coliseum
and standing just feet away from it. The issue here is

that where we are living
is about 30-45 minutes away from the downtown area where everything happens.
The bus we have to take only runs until midnight, so extensive nightlife is
out. AND – here is a surprise – it’s dirty as hell here in Rome. We were
expecting that since they put so much time, energy and money into protecting
the ruins that their city would be incredibly clean. WRONG – and the graffiti is
everywhere. My son Alex would love it, considering he is a graffiti artist – I, on the other hand, am saddened by all of the disrespect to the older buildings
and statues.

We have been trying to take some trips here and there – a big
one is coming next week. We’ll be traveling to Venice – Verona, and Milan. Our
past experiences have taken us to Naples, which we thought was going to be
FANTASTIC. Another let down – see the Facebook posts for that. This last Sunday
we went to Bologna – certainly much better and high light. The city itself is cleaner
and the porticos were fantastic. We enjoyed walking around on a Sunday and just
being part of the city. And apparently, that’s the thing to do as after the last
Mass at 1p was let out, the streets were full of families and Bolognaise just
out enjoying the day. The rain wasn’t a deterrent – it seemed like that was
just what you did.
We really liked
Bologna and would return.

BTW – the churches here are particularly spectacular – we haven’t
been in an ugly one yet. And just a side note, we have been in more churches in
the last 30 days than we have in the last 10 years.

And not even get started on all the doors. =)
So now the question is what to do next – we are reserving
our outcome until after we visit Verona and Positano. Our conversation this
morning was that we need to be by the water – Verona is in the mountains and
cold. Positano is a small coastal village. Not sure that it either will be good
for us. David needs to have a place to paint and for people to be there to buy
it. So the population of a small coastal town would do wonders for me, he
wouldn’t be very happy. So, I’m not sure
that either of these places is going to fit the bill. For me – I need to be
warm. At the moment, I’m typing a lot just to keep my hands for seizing up from
the cold.

Well, there you have it – just a little about what we have
found here. Happiness? Yes, with all that we have seen. Content? Nope, not yet.
Which means we’re still looking for our forever home. As for my
writing. I have
been able to get very inspired and have written a lot, finishing November 17th…
Going Home, and restarting a couple new projects. So for me – all is good. The
trouble with that is that there are two of us in this relationship. My
thoughts, I can write anywhere.
Thanks for stopping by.
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