Inspiration comes in many forms. At this moment mine comes
from our surroundings. If you don’t already know, David and I have decided to
fulfill a lifelong dream and have moved to Florence Italy. That location may change in the coming months
for now – Florence it is. With Florence and it’s amazing situations, views,
artwork, and architecture comes… new stories, artwork, and fantasies of our own.
Having said that – my creative juices are flowing and “November
17th” is coming along very well. Thank you, Bob Connelly, Photographer - and Rosemary Connelly for the use of this photo. It means the world to me that you have trusted me with this image. I hope to be finished within the
next couple of weeks. My goal is to put out another two books for the years end
– making that three books this year.
LOL – which means I need to get my ass in gear. I already have
a few books in my head and just need to get started on writing them.
LOL – the challenges of a day job and life of a world traveler
getting in the way.
When we were leaving and on the plane, David asked me a
question. “How long has it been since you’ve wanted to move to Italy?”
My response was, since I was in 6th grade. I’m not
57 and just realizing this particular dream.
He wisely and naturally replied that – “Your life got in the
way. You went to school in NYC – you got married and started a family – had four
children – saw them until they were all 18 and after. You’ve been a good father
and provider. Now it’s time for you to think about you want to spend the rest
of your life. You have always said that distance and places are really just
geography. That with technology you’re able to converse with your children,
family, and friends whenever you want. Now’s the time to test that thought.”
I smiled at his intent and tossing my own words into my face. It
worked - I have a good man here.
When I was going through my “coming out” period, I saw a
therapist who, after a long dialogue by me, asked what I was going to do with
the rest of my life. How was I going to paint that picture and what colors
would I use? Since meeting David, I’ve found those colors and plan to continue
to paint with them with him by my side.
All is well here in the land of pasta and sauces. We’ve had a
few challenges, but those happen on a daily basis anywhere you are. We have
both reached out to family and friends and are enjoying sharing our adventure
with them via Facebook and Instagram. I think that the greater part of all of
this is that David and I have gotten much closer, working together as a team
more than ever and we are needlepoint focused on what we want to do
independently and together.
So far – it’s been a good move. We have loved and everything that we have done and seen here - and yes - the food is amazing!
Thanks for stopping by.
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