Taking Stock
Taking Stock
So after we look around ourselves to take stock. See how we’re doing and wonder where we stack up with the rest of the crowd. Don’t worry, it’s natural to want to do well and look to others that you feel are headed in a positive direction for decent self-guidance.
However, shouldn’t we be concentrating on our own goals and how to make them happen?
My almost 30-year-old niece, April, reminded me that holding yourself to others standards only bread unhappiness.
Well done is what I have to say! Well done!!

In my head, the dash is doing pretty great. I just need to keep that up.
I've danced in New York City, written four novels - Bless Me Father - The Trade - Wild Swan and the latest book - Waters Edge. The four short stories that I've written are - After the rain - Sleep Tight - The Gate - The Pebble. You can find these on the Breaking Rules Publishing website - www.breakingruleswritingcompetitions.com. And that would be one of the great accomplishments that I have, beyond fatherhood (4 adult children and 3 grandchildren) and being married to David for ten years - I created a publishing company that is helping and publishing authors from all around the world. At this moment - I'm good with my dash.
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