Keep the dream alive!
Keep the Dream Alive.
Here's a story - My
father and I were far from close. We rarely spoke, about anything. I didn't
know him well and he certainly didn't know me. When I was in my second year of
college at Jackson Community College, I should mention that my major was dance,
and I was good, so good that I was in 9 of the 11 performances at the year-end dance
concert. My father stayed home.

The next year I transferred to New York University, and as luck would have it, I choreographed a piece for the Bi-Weekly show that they presented. My parents, yes including my father, flew out to NYC, from Michigan, to watch me dance for three minutes. Yes, I was happy that they showed. And amazed that he was there. I never understood why he would show up for one and not the other, but hey, he showed. And yes, I went on to dance and did well. But because of parental pressure and illness, I came home.
Next up - I found a love of writing and then created a dream to write a book. Long story short - four books and four short stories later, I now have two more books coming out this year as well as have my own publishing company.
Isn't that where it always starts and ends. So many dreams are lost due to this
little five letter word. And we shouldn't forget about "Peer
fact that people lose sight of their dreams because of money, family, friends,
responsibilities and yes, guilt, is one of the saddest realities we have.

The next year I transferred to New York University, and as luck would have it, I choreographed a piece for the Bi-Weekly show that they presented. My parents, yes including my father, flew out to NYC, from Michigan, to watch me dance for three minutes. Yes, I was happy that they showed. And amazed that he was there. I never understood why he would show up for one and not the other, but hey, he showed. And yes, I went on to dance and did well. But because of parental pressure and illness, I came home.
Dream Lost!
Next up - I found a love of writing and then created a dream to write a book. Long story short - four books and four short stories later, I now have two more books coming out this year as well as have my own publishing company.
rod in the cog - yep it's there.
question is, will I allow this rod to actually stop the cogs from turning.
theme of this blog - Never give up on yourself or your dreams.
only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet,
keep looking. Don't settle.
Steve Jobs
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