Is three to much?

At least I don't think so. I always seem to have some story rolling over in my head, so why not just write them down?
This particular one, "November 17th... Going Home" came to me very quickly. It's a photo from a fantastic man and talented photographer, Bob Connelly. I saw it years ago in Milford, DE. Bob and Rosemary Connelly are very good friends of ours. David and I are lucky enough to share a very special date with them. Yep - Nov 17th. That was the day that David and I met as well as the day that Bob asked Rosemary to go steady. It is a wonderful little tidbit that adds to the bond that we share. Unfortunately Bob past away a few years ago. Luckily, he left behind a mass of amazing photos, this would be one. He named it "Going Home." It was taken while he and Rosemary were living in Italy. Just one more thing that WE as couples share. David and I have always wanted to go to Italy, and always loved it when they would share their stories with us. At the moment the story is writing itself and due out October 1st.
Delacroix has been on the books for a bit and it's now getting close to being ready. I had to put it away for a moment because it was starting to play with my head and emotions. Now, with all that intact, I'm ready to go. Delacroix came from a Facebook request. I was writing a few short stories and asked that my Facebook followers supply me with some photos of water. It didn't matter what else was in the photo - I just wanted there to be water in view. This particular photo looked like it deserved a little more attention. Kind of like the rowboat in the photo. Which is why I thought that it would work well for a novel. Delcroix will be out on August 1st.

Next up - oooooooooooooooooo Submission.
For so long I have wanted to write a story about a man coming into his own reality and awareness that yes he was in fact, gay. About 8 years ago my most genuine and best friend Patty McCarthy, also a published author with Breaking Rules Publishing, took a look at the first thoughts of the book and suggested that I continue. I put the story away for a bit and now have decided that it will also be complete and available by the years end.
So there you have it - there are many writers that goal themselves to write 6-8 novels a year. I'm happy with the three that you see here. I may add a couple of short stories to the list. But for now, this is good enough.
You can find all of my books and short stories on the Breaking Rules Publishing website.
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