The challenge is real!

The challenges of the day are ahead of me, hopefully not getting the best of me. Some of those challenges are –
Continuing to work on my new novel. I think that I’m
going to call it – Delacroix – we’ll see. Why? I love the
name and I think that it makes you question what the
book is about. Granted it has an old row boat as a 
cover, but still.

Pushing and promoting Waters Edge is a priority. 
You  can also find that on my website at

Next up – continuing to work on and polish 

Bless Me Father – the play.

By the way – tickets for the Sept 26th 
and 29th performances are
now on sale.

There is a GoFundMe page for donations to help pay for the actors.

There is also a sponsorship package for both individual and corporate

All information is linked below.

Back to Delacroix – in general, I work to create stories that you haven’t heard or read before or more to the point I suppose – real life. Stories that you might hear from a friend or family member, lol, or even hear from Lester Holt at 6.30p Monday through Friday. 

They, hopefully, are stories that you just haven’t read about. Stories where real characters, people, struggle with outside or inner demons. With a situation where the characters all have a happy or not so happy ending. I don’t think that every story has to have a happy ending or a lesson to be learned. Sometimes it’s just a matter of removing you from the world that you’re living in and transforming your living room into something else. As I’m sure that you know, life isn’t like that. It plays tricks on you, teases you and causes you to think. It even makes you wonder and doubt yourself, those around you, your relationships, and even your decisions and the process you have to make them. Those are the stories that I want to write. Those are the stories that I feel will leave the reader wanting more. Searching for answers and fall in love with the characters.

Delacroix will hopefully do that. It’s pushing and challenging me at every point and is causing me to dig deep and bleed all over the page. You’ve no doubt seen those meme’s, quotes and post that tell you that if you want to be a writer or write, all you have to do is sit down at your computer or typewriter and bleed. Well . . . the blood is flowing.

Check out my website at to purchase all of my books.


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