Facebook Happy
Are you - Facebook Happy?
A few days ago a writer friend of mine, literally, went off on his Facebook page. He was basically "pissed off " because his friends and family weren’t buying his newly published book. He didn’t feel supported, recognized or praised by the people he thought were close to him. So his solution, however misled, was to assault them through the written word via his Facebook page. Granted I totally get what he’s saying and Lord knows that I know how he feels.
We all have been there. You do something or create something you think is amazing. You hit a milestone and you want some recognition, some acknowledgment from your friends and family, that you did well! And, when you don’t get it, you become frustrated, angry and disappointed in the people that you thought would be there for you always.
My recommendation to him was this – you’re a business now, you’re a brand and you’re seen by more people than just your family and friends. Granted now all those 1,000 people, that you worked so hard to get on Facebook really don’t get to see what you post. But enough of them do.
As writers, we should all know that with this writer's gig comes defeat, disappointment, and frustrations. Through all that, you still have to appear to be "Facebook Happy." You need to show a positive and strong attitude 100% of the time. You need to get over the fact that your family and friends aren’t buying your books and move forward. Marketing yourself is key, as is the presentation. So it's best to always put your best foot forward.

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