The Row Boat
And on to the next short story. For those of you who don't
know - I've asked my Facebook friends to send me photos of the beach, water,
family or the combination of all. With that I have selected 24 photos that l
will then focus into short stories, based around the images in those photos.
After finishing a few of these short stories already, I have a new found
respect for the short story writer. It's not easy people! Coming from someone
who LOVES to add detail and draw a scene out. I've had a hard time keeping my,
what l think are magical shorts, from becoming a fantastic novella. But - l'm
learning. And - I'm enjoying it. Which means that I'm looking forward to the
rest of the stories to come. The next photo or story is the "The Row Boat."
Photo insert here. I've already decided that the story will take place on
Higgins Lake in Michigan. If you don't know of Higgins Lake - google it! I
spent every summer vacation as a child there with my family and my Mother's
family. It was an extremely happy time for me and brings back amazing memories.
AND - the lake is beautiful, so check it out.
As for my next book "Waters Edge" - TODAY!!! Today - people -
Waters Edge will be completely written. NOT edited, but written. So now the
true challenge is coming. The reading and re-reading and making corrections and
adding on is what really takes the time. The story, in my mind, is the easy
part. I just have to write what shows up in the movie that plays in my head.
NOW, I actually have to make the movie work. One of the things that I've done
in this one is to bring some technology into the mix - having my characters use
their phones more often. Texting each other as well as using their computers in
their every day lives. Basically I've made them just like most of us. Yes, they
wake up in the morning, check their Facebook like it was the morning paper
while drinking their coffee. Always having their phones in their left hand
ready for the next text or google search. As I'm reading the story back to
myself, I'm thinking it's kind of cool, bringing a little more human nature and
us into the characters.

So - like the rest of you - I have a lot going on and now need to get
focused on the day and get some of this list narrowed down. Here's hoping you
have a great day.
Be well and thanks for stopping by.
As always - mention this Blog post in the note section of your order and
I'll give you 10% off the purchase of your books. Thanks!!!
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