Hello Everyone –
Many of you may already know this but I’m putting it out there anyway. =)
I’ve taken on a new project - it’s relating to the National
Novel Writing Month challenge. I’m doing my best to write a book in just 30
days. And trust me – it’s no easy task. The issue for most writers is that they
don’t do this to make a living – this isn’t their full time job. It’s something
that they TRY to find time for. This would be the case with me. My writing time typically is after the day has
slowed down, when David and I are watching a movie or TV. Again – no easy
thing, usually I’m looking around thinking that I should be doing something different,
like laundry, something Ladybug Shop related or pressing off sheets for the
Towers. As I write this I wonder what the hell I thought I was doing taking on
just one more project. It’s like the proverbial hole in the head. But how
quickly that changes, because I instantly say to myself, why not? What do I
have to lose? So I press on.
So, my question to you is - what are you doing in your free
time, if you have it? Please leave me a comment – I’d love to hear from you. As for the new project – I’m titling it “Submission” – take you mind out of the gutters please. The premise behind this book would be how we are submissive to people – situations - jobs, our life choices, etc. I’m having fun playing around with new story lines and creating a new life for these fictional friends of mine. I’m smiling to myself, many times after the story is finished and published there always seems to be a grieving period. As if I’ve just lost a close friend – scary =). But it is so easy to get lost in the situations and every day dealings of these people/characters I create.
“Wild Swan” continues to move forward and I hope to have it
done by Christmas. As I’ve mentioned in other blog posts, I’ve had some trouble
with this story. I’m not sure if it was because I listened to other’s who had
read it or if it was just me thinking that it was incomplete. I do know that I’m
enjoying where I’m taking it now. So hopefully it’ll be in book form soon.
Be well,
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