Love what you do !

Hello Everyone – As I sit here at my desk this morning, listening to the Carpenter’s Christmas album on my ipod, YES lol - the Carpenter's Christmas album, I’m very much aware that the summer has past us by. David and I have been so busy that it seems like we hardly had time to really enjoy the season. Yes – we were able to get to the beach a few times, take a couple of short trips, and help Sarah move, but during the week we were typically running around like chicks in a hen house being chased by a cat. We seriously have way too much on our plates. I’ve written a couple times about slowing down, but that never seems to come to fruition. Hopefully with the weather change we’ll be able to find a slower pace. The Towers has started to slow down a bit – but lucky for us – because of the holiday season approaching - the Ladybug Shop will begin to go in hyper speed, which is a good thing, but we still need time. Our problems are that we’re never able to get to what we really want to do. David wanting to paint more and me write.
Straying off topic just a bit – this came to me last night - (back history) my father and I never really had much to say to each other nor did we get along to well. But like most of our fathers he did continue to say, “Make your work something that you love – because you’ll spend the rest of your life doing it. And working at something you love is far better than working at something you hate.” I’ll give you that he should know – working at Camshaft or in a factory most of his life certainly doesn’t sound appealing to me. And although, the man that he was, I’m sure he enjoyed it at times, he certainly didn’t love it. What this does tell me is that the hen house situation that David and I have built really isn’t what we love. So while I was sitting there trying to find a resting moment after such a busy day and waiting for David to come home from his part-time. I remembered this statement from my Dad – and instantly picked up a pen and my pad and began to write – working on “Wild Swan” and quickly giving myself a goal of getting it to the publisher by Dec 1. So, wish me luck – for I plan to do something that I love for a very long time. I hope you do as well.
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