Hello Everyone –
I have some awesome news to share. This last week my
publisher contacted me to say that my books, “Bless Me Father” and “The Trade”
were being submitted and presented at the Frankfurt Book Show. YES !!!!What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and honor I felt. As many of you know – often you work very hard on a project and it is noticed by the very few, which is unfortunate. To know that hundreds, if not thousands of people will now know about and see my books – AMAZING. Soooooooooo now what – well this has given me a great push and needed encouragement – that along with my remarkable partner in life, David, and my fantastic friend Patty – I’m now on my way and becoming even more encouraged and rejuvenated daily. I have attacked “Wild Swan” with a new sense of passion and finally know where I’ve gone wrong with it. As for “Submission”, it has morphed into so many different stories and I’m now able to focus on where I really want it to go and why.
Sometimes it just takes a small victory like this to get the ball moving. Thankfully mine has rolled by. Below I’ve added a little bit of “Wild Swan” – I hope you like it. It hasn't been
totally edited so be aware. =)

~ W S ~
From behind him came a great wave of water that was
forced up from the street by a long black limo. The pressure of the splash
shocked him, making him take a step just slightly forward. The fact that he was
soaked from head to toe, even more now than before, really didn‘t affect him as
much as the black vehicle that stopped behind him.
The limo had tinted windows and it was so shinny that
Walker could see his own reflection in the side of the car, even in the down pour.
Quickly, yet with care, a large black man was ejected out of the driver’s side
door. He was wearing the typical limo driver’s garb and the funny hat to go
along with it. When he came around the car to face Walker, he was carrying a
large umbrella. It made Walker wonder what he planned on doing with it. The driver
easily stood six inches taller than Walker, and when he looked into the huge man’s
face, he was surprised to find a sincere apology.
“I’m sorry about the water young man. I hope you’re not
too wet? But standing out here in this down pour, it probably didn’t do you any
harm.” Offering a huge smile, “but I am sorry,” said the driver and then he
rushed over to open the door to protect his passenger from the rain with the
big black umbrella he carried.
“Harold, don’t you apologize to him. He should have
known better than to be standing so close to the curb,” said a small but powerful
voice that came from within the car. “Not to mention out in the rain. He looks
old enough to know better. Maybe he has issues?”
“Yes, Miss Whitney.” The large man said cowering to her
remark, then looking over to Walker and with his eyes trying to apologize for
his employer’s attitude.
A young girl stepped out of the limo; her hair was blond
and pulled back in a tight bun. Her bright blue eyes, soft toned skin and red
full lips made Walkers heart and breath stop. She was wearing a pale pink
Chanel long spring jacket with matching slacks and a cream blouse. He thought
she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Even if she did have an
attitude that way out sized her.
Walker laughed out loud and said, “She’s right Harold.”
Continuing to look her over, “she’s acting like a spoiled rotten little bitch,
and maybe she is, but she’s right.”
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