Take A Break
I posted this on Facebook today.
It's time to take a break.
If worse comes to worst and you’re really not getting
anywhere, stop banging your head against a brick wall. Go do something really
different. Watch a movie. Bake a cake. Take a walk in the park. As Albert
Einstein put it: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results.” Go back to your to what you're doing, when you’re
Creativity is not a servant that will appear at your beck
and call. It appears on its own terms when it knows it’s wanted. Be sure to put
out the welcome mat.
And it’s true – David and I seem to just be going and going
with no time to do the things that we love to do. We moved down here to
Delaware to slow down – that was a year and four months ago. It has also yet to
happen. With The Towers – the Ladybug Shop – our own two part time jobs – we hardly
have time to write – or for him paint. So – my recommendation for all of you – and for me/us – is to slow down. Enjoy life and all is has to offer. This continual rushing around and working 18 hours a day – is in a word – Stupid. So join me – I’ll be in our garden with a cocktail just enjoying the view.

For copies of my books go to www.christophereclawson.weebly.com
I just had that same conversation with a friend today over lunch.