Are you a Man or a Mouse?

I heard an old phrase recently that I’m sure most of you are familiar with: Are you a man or a mouse? For this discussion, the term “man” isn’t intended to be gender-specific; it refers to both men and women. This phrase is typically uttered when you’re encouraging someone to show bravery in the face of fear and danger. In short, the analogy is meant to infer that a man will stand tall and show bravery, whereas, a mouse will tremble with fear and run in terror.

I think we all have the potential of acting as both the man and the mouse depending on the situation. But as a general rule, you’re typically more one than the other. So today I ask you to think about your typical approach to life and answer the following question: When confronted with some issue or situation, do you typically stand strong and take charge, or do you cower and try to squeak by? In other words, are you a man or a mouse when it comes to dealing with issues in your life?


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