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A comment from a supporter -
Hi there, i've been reading your blog and I just wanted to say how sorry i am that it's turned into a forum for ugliness with your family.
Are you going to keep bloggin?
Yes Cynthia and thank you. And you're right the blog did get a bit negative, ugly and out of hand. I felt that I needed a moment to step back, let tempers cool and start again. The Internet is a funny thing. It gives you undefined strength that enables you to do and say things that you normally wouldn't. And why not, this is distance - as if we're on total opposite sides of the world and you don't have to worry about the ramifications of what you say. = - } One of my daughters told me that I shouldn't be angry with her because she is a strong woman. My response was that a strong woman doesn't need the Internet, voicemail or text messaging to be strong. And so when the banter becomes a bit like a elementary school play ground than one needs to just take a moment, step back, reflect and start again.
Thank you Cynthia for your support. I'll turn the comment section of this site back on after the fuel and fire has faded......
Hi there, i've been reading your blog and I just wanted to say how sorry i am that it's turned into a forum for ugliness with your family.
Are you going to keep bloggin?
Yes Cynthia and thank you. And you're right the blog did get a bit negative, ugly and out of hand. I felt that I needed a moment to step back, let tempers cool and start again. The Internet is a funny thing. It gives you undefined strength that enables you to do and say things that you normally wouldn't. And why not, this is distance - as if we're on total opposite sides of the world and you don't have to worry about the ramifications of what you say. = - } One of my daughters told me that I shouldn't be angry with her because she is a strong woman. My response was that a strong woman doesn't need the Internet, voicemail or text messaging to be strong. And so when the banter becomes a bit like a elementary school play ground than one needs to just take a moment, step back, reflect and start again.
Thank you Cynthia for your support. I'll turn the comment section of this site back on after the fuel and fire has faded......
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